A Beginner's Guide to Hiking - creds to Edmonton blogger, Linda Hoang.

A Beginner's Guide to Hiking - creds to Edmonton blogger, Linda Hoang.

With larch season starting to flourish, we were delighted to have local blogger, Linda Hoang add us to her latest post: A Beginner's Guide to Hiking which was featured on Cityline September 15th. For our aspiring adventurer fans out there, we certainly think that Linda's list hits the mark! 

What should you consider as a newbie to the hiking world? Here it is:

  1. Invest in top quality hiking shoes
  2. You'll need to layer your clothes (with moisture-resistant fabrics)
  3. Snacks (this is where we come in!) and water need to go in your suitable backpack
  4. Always have emergency and safety items (for just in case)
  5. Make a plan!
functional chocolate, sports nutrition, hiking snacks

You can check out Linda's full commentary of her adventure recommendations here on her personal site. Or even better,watch the segment on Cityline for yourself.

Don't know where to start or get the gear you need? Alberta store Camper's Village carries all of Linda's recommendations. We also can't say enough about supporting uber local with Track 'n Trail in Edmonton.

Happy chocolate fuelled trails!

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